General Snijders Honorary Medal
In 1932, this medal was first awarded to its namesake: General C.J. Snijders. He dedicated himself from 1907 as a champion of Dutch military and civil aviation. Since the early 1930s, 17 individuals with very great merits for aviation and aerospace in the Netherlands received this prestigious medal.
In 2017, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, then minister of Defence, presented the General Snijders Honorary Medal to Peter Hartman. The inscription on his medal reads: ‘Intensely involved and inspired director of Dutch aviation.’ Peter Hartman was top executive at KLM from April 2007 to July 2013. The jury gave as the reason for the recognition ‘his unsurpassed dedication and the inspiring determination with which he dedicated himself to Dutch aviation and aerospace’.
Photo banner at top: NIMH collection
Portrait photo of the Supreme Commander of the Dutch Army and Navy, General Cornelis Jacobus Snijders
Previously, these individuals received the General Snijders Honorary Medal:
2017 - Peter Hartman
2011 - Retired Lt-general B.A.C. Droste
2007 - L. van Wijk
2004 - P.J. Legro
2000 - Prof. Dr. W.J. Ockels
1997 - Dr. M.J. Schröder
1993 - Retired General H.J. Schaper
1987 - S. Orlandini
1980 - Dr. J.H. Greidanus
1973 - Dr. G. van der Wal
1969 - H. During
1965 - Prof. J. Jongbloed
1962 - Prof. H.J. van der Maas
1959 - C. Kolff
1956 - posthumously to Gerben Sonderman
1953 - His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard
1953 - Retired Lt-general I.A. Aler
1938 - M.H. Damme, founder of airmail transport
1935 - Dr A. Plesman, founder of KLM
1932 - General C.J. Snijders, champion of Dutch military and civil aviation