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Goals and vision

The foundation aims to achieve its goal by:

1. using appealing media coverage and its own communications to generate interest in aviation and aerospace among governments, politicians and residents of the Netherlands, and especially among young people;


2. awarding the C.J. Snijders Medal and Honorary Diplomas to Dutch individuals and/or legal entities who have distinguished themselves in the field aviation and/or of aerospace;

3. issuing competitions for incentive prizes among students of secondary vocational (MBO), higher vocational (HBO) and university education programmes in the field of aviation and aerospace;


4. using all means to help the foundation achieve its goal, such as promoting the NLF and raising funds to ensure the foundation's continued existence.

The Dutch Aerospace Fund (NLF) aims to increase interest and involvement in Dutch aviation and aerospace and contribute to the booming of this sector.

‘It touches me how much students manage to get done with often minimal resources’

Ruud Hirdes, jurymember NLF

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